They’re still cleaning up the mess. Here to the tune of $15 million.
This is amazing to me. Ten years later and its still going on. The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Trust was capitalized at $20 billion.
Here’s a report on where the recovery funds come from and where they’re going.
“Recovering and restoring the Gulf of Mexico from the injuries caused by the disaster is an astoundingly complex undertaking. The processes that have been initiated to spur the assessment and treatment of various types of harm at various scales of action are accordingly complex. While it is unknown how much will ultimately be spent to recover the Gulf of Mexico from Deepwater Horizon, restoration and recovery funds are steadily accumulating from the parties responsible for the disaster. The monies result from mandates and penalties under numerous statutes, including the Oil Pollution Act, Clean Water Act, and Migratory Bird Treaty Act. Who receives the funds and how they must be spent is determined both by the overarching statute and by the manner of resolution.”
RESTORE Act background and implementation here.